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Maximum Binary Tree


Given an integer array with no duplicates, construct a maximum binary tree containing values from the array. Return the root node of the maximum binary tree.

Example 1
Input: [3,2,1,6,0,5]
/ \
3 5
/ \ /
2 1 0


all//Maximum Binary

# Given an integer array with no duplicates. A maximum tree building on this array is defined as follow:

# The root is the maximum number in the array
# The left subtree is the maximum tree constructed from left part subarray divided by the maximum number.
# The right subtree is the maximum tree constructed from right part subarray divided by the maximum number.

# Construct the maximum tree by the given array and output the root node of this tree.

class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.left = None
self.right = None

def constructMaximumBinaryTree(nums):
if not nums:
return None
# Find the max value and its index
maxVal, maxIndex = float('-inf'), 0
for i, n in enumerate(nums):
if n > maxVal:
maxVal, maxIndex = n, i
# Create the root node with the max value
root = TreeNode(maxVal)
# Create the left and right subtrees recursively
root.left = constructMaximumBinaryTree(nums[:maxIndex])
root.right = constructMaximumBinaryTree(nums[maxIndex+1:])
return root